Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've been asked to contribute some photography/Photoshop know-how to a very large collaborative piece downtown for Artprize. So yesterday, I grabbed my camera bag and went for a bike ride to find some flowers for ideas. The gears are turning...I just wish Sunflowers were in bloom. Darn!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blue sky wedding (Chinavar preview)

I was worried about the weather at first because when I left GR, it was raining. By the time I arrived in Monroe, the sun was out and the clouds were nice and fluffy. It turned out to be a gorgeous day for a wedding in the park.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Chinavar wedding. Monroe, MI

I traveled to the east side this weekend for a wedding in Monroe, MI. Cassie and Luke were married in Elizabeth Park in Trenton on an old crumbly bridge with wrought iron railings...very cool.
As the minister was asking for the rings, a man in a kayak going under the bridge shouted, "Is it too late, or can I still marry her?" We all couldn't help but laugh.
After that, Cassie's little girl made sure she was in the ALL of the photos...what a cutie!
The reception was at Luke's mother's house, with a tent in the backyard and a TV in the garage for all of the Redwings junkies. Definitely a laid-back evening.
I will post a preview of their photos tomorrow.